Responding to customer feedback

Did you know that we have a Quiz & Survey page?
We have received a lot of feedback on how we can improve our web. Thank you very much!
Here are our responses to them.
The similar ones are combined into one.
“Proper cleaning instructions”
— A “care instruction” card is enclosed for customers who purchase futons, cushions, and tatami mats. You can also download it from our website. We would like to make it easier for customers to find it.
— Coupons are issued about once every six months. It’s a bit difficult for us at the moment because of the pandemic, but we’ll issue coupons when things settle down again. You can check us out on Facebook and our website.
“The is a problem with the shops category bar. If you hover over the covers, you can not reach the kake-futon covers. It disappears before you can click on it. So you have to manually search for them by typing in the words in the search bar.”
— We solved that by separating the menu hierarchy. Thank you for letting us know.
“Plus it would be nice if washing instructions were included in the “extra information” tab on the product site (e.g. kake-futon cover).”
— We’ll try to show that in the future, we put it on our todo list!
“Loading time of page is slow when in Europe, having server more close by to your customers would help.”
— As for server-related issues, it may be difficult, but I will try to find a way to make the data lighter.
“more info about how products are done”
— Take a look at our YouTube channel. Please search “Futon Tokyo”. There will also be a live feed from our factory on Instagram (and hopefully more on youtube).
“Bigger discounts for sets?
— We want to add more set items in the future, so we’ll think about it.
“More links to reviews!”
— Not many people write reviews (because we don’t ask?)… but our Etsy store has over 100 reviews, so please take a look. Etsy can only sell original products, so the number of products is small, but the reviews are helpful. We are very grateful for all the reviews. 
“good if we can zoom in to see the image”
“More pictures of products.”
— Yes, we are looking for a better way to display it, like a 360° camera… it depends on our budget.
“More futon covers”
— Yes, we would definitely like to increase the variety of our products. We have added some covers in dark colors on the requests. What kind of covers would you like ? We’re looking forward to your suggestions.
“can we have pop up real store in Hong Kong”
— We are always thinking about expanding our business overseas. We have received many inquiries about it. We’d like you to introduce yourself first if you can. It would be helpful if you could tell us more about the size of your business, your store’s website, etc. We get a lot of spam, and a lot of people who don’t really mean it, so…
We do not do drop shipping. Also, we do not provide a price list.
“Try to spread more information on the internet to get to the website, so that it gets more known, it’s a very good online shop!”
— Thank you. We have a Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest account, but we’ll try to update them more!
“Shipping cost is a little high, but I understand why”
— Thank you very much. We are always looking for cheaper shipping methods. Shipping costs are beyond our control.
We are thinking of sending them all together to the Amazon-USA warehouse for shipping, but futons are bulky, so shipping them together by sea will hardly reduce the shipping cost. In the end, Japan Post EMS is the cheapest and fastest way to ship so far.
“I would like to know about the material when was made.”
— The cotton for our futons is carded daily from raw cotton. Basically, we turn it into futons in a week or so. As to tatamis, we deliver tatami mats full of the fragrance of new, fresh rushes. Everyone is sad if received a tatami mats that have been in production for a long time. Maybe we should note so on the item page.
“Please ship to USA”
— We’re finally shipping futons to the US again! It’s been a year!
“It’s a little hard to tell the size.”
— We get the most questions about size. This is something we need to improve.
“Please, size in cm!”
— Yes, right. We believe that we have to do so because the number of customers outside of the U.S. is increasing very rapidly. This is also on our TODO list.
“So far it seems excellent! “
“Everything looks good to me”
— Thank you so much :>
“Shipping cost can be reduced further”
— We are always looking for cheaper shipping methods for our customers. If you know of a good shipping method between your country and Japan, I would appreciate it if you could let us know.